
As of April 2023

When compared to the cost of sports and many other activities, there is no doubt that Scouting delivers great value to its members!  Costs include BSA membership fees, uniform costs, and nominal activity fees that may be charged locally. Of course, these costs may be offset by unit fundraising and other available scholarship funds. Please contact your local unit leadership for details. 

BSA Membership & Pack Dues $175 (for new Scouts)

This pays for your BSA Membership ($100) and Pack 123 membership($75). These costs covers the cost of the Den meetings, awards, and helps fund some of our pack activities. The Pack Committee does all it can to keep dues at a reasonable amount. Fundraisers are important aspect of this and families will be asked to donate 1-2 hours twice a year with fundraisers.

Uniform Free-$155

"The Scout [uniform], through its uniformity, now constitutes 

a bond of brotherhood among boys across the world. "  

-Lord Baden Powel, founder of the Scouting movement.

 The uniform is not required but is highly encouraged in our pack especially the neckerchief. These items are part of the Scouting program and teaches our scouts how to be responsible, orderly & clean. The uniform also unites us together as a cohesive pack and ties us with all other Scouts in the US and world.  

A Scout is Thrifty so Pack 123 also maintains a uniform closest that contains experienced uniforms. All that we ask is that you donate your experienced uniforms when your child outgrows them. 

If you would prefer new uniforms you may purchase them at the Scout Shop. 

Handbook $24

Each grade level has a specific handbook they use.  Handbooks are about $24 and are used for the year.  Handbooks have all the required and elective adventures for each rank.  Handbooks also serve as a Scout’s record of completing adventures. 

Camping & other pack activities $10-$30 per event

Throughout the year our pack goes on adventures such as camping, canoeing, hiking, and fishing. These activities are optional but enhances the Scouting experience. 

Total First Year Cost: Min $175 - Max appox $500